Paul McCartney - 3 Legs

Текст песни

Well when I walk, when I walk
On my horse upon the hill (when I walk the horse upon a hill)
Well when I walk, walk walk walk
On my horse upon the hill (when I walk the horse upon a hill)
And I lay me down
will my lover love me still
A Dog is here, (a dog is here), a dog is there (a dog is there)
My dog he got three leg
but he can't run

Well when I thought, well I thought
when I thought you was my friend (when I thought I could call you my friend)
When I thought, when I thought
when I thought you was my friend (when I thought I could call you my friend)
but you laid me down, put my heart around the bend

A fly flies in (a fly flies in), a fly flies out (a fly flies out)
most flies they got three leg, but mine got one.

Well when I fly when I fly when I fly,when I fly above the cloud
(when I fly above the man in the crowd)
Well when I fly when I fly when I fly,when I fly above the crowd
(when I fly above the man in the crowd)

You can knock me down with a feather, yes you could
but you know it's not allowed (but you know it's not allowed)

A Dog is here, (a dog is here), a dog is there (a dog is there)
My dog he got three leg
but he can't run

My dog he got three leg

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