Queen - Keep Yourself Alive

Текст песни

Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive

I was told a million times
Of all the troubles in my way
How I had to keep on trying
Little better ev'ry day
But if I crossed a million rivers
And I rode a million miles
Then I'd still be where I started
Bread and butter for a smile
Well I sold a million mirrors
In a shop in Alley Way
But I never saw my face
In any window any day
Well they say your folks are telling you
To be a super star
But I tell you just be satisfied
To stay right where you are

Keep yourself alive keep yourself alive
All you people keep yourself alive

Well I've loved a million women
In a belladonic haze
And I ate a million dinners
Brought to me on silver trays
Give me ev'rything I need
To feed my body and my soul
And I'll grow a little bigger
Maybe that can be my goal
I was told a million times
Of all the people in my way
How I had to keep on trying
And get better ev'ry day
But if I crossed a million rivers
And I rode a million miles
Then I'd still be where I started
Still be where I started

Keep yourself alive keep yourself alive
All you people keep yourself alive

Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
All you people keep yourself alive
Do you think you're better ev'ry day
No I just think I'm two steps nearer to my grave
Keep yourself alive

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