Yes - Our Song

Текст песни

Toledo was just another good stop
Along the good king's highway
My fortification took me by surprise
And hit me sending me sideways
Spellbound — Roundly — Good for sunshine
Can't help thinking

Singing the Rule Britannia
And this is where it grabs you
There's method in the key of C
Toledo's got to be the silver city
In this good country

Our song
It gives us a reason
Our song
That good remedy
Music has magic
That stuff of syncopation

Ever tried driving it to golden heights
Just simply jiving it
My mystification it got a
Jewel skies crazy spacing it
Hot sun — Crowded — Screams high voices
Singing speechless

Touching of the healing heart
So this is where we really start
Music is a shout of foregone conclusions
As long as music plays its part
Good good part

Our song
It gives us a reason
Our song
That good remedy

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