Accept - Helldriver

Текст песни

Your body looks perfect, your face like a rat
You are a loser, only shit in your head
You are a fighter and devil in bet

Helldriver come to me
Stay with me, drive on with me
Helldriver come to me
Stay with me, (then some)

Driving the speedway like a superstar
The wheels are turning all this crap in your car
The enjine is burning, (...) explode
You know you winner — with ten in a row

Helldriver come to me
Stay with me, drive on with me
Helldriver come to me
Stay with me, (then some)

Down on the speedway and blood in your face
The enjine is broke at the end of the race
Your life was the dagger, the edge of the knife
You thought you're the winner — and you're never right

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