Accept - Objection Overruled

Текст песни

Members of the jury
Your conclusion has been drawn
Defendants should be sentenced
But you just let'em go

The city is a timebomb
The judge has lit the fuse
Vigilante breakout
Gotta tighten up the noose

Your honour, please
We want the truth — nothing but the truth
Your honour, please

Objetion overruled — let's hang'em high
Overruled — horsewhip'em

I call upon the nation
To take the whitness' stand
Too long you've stood in silence
Now justice will be done

Hey you — the jury members
You let the people down
We trusted your sincerity
One finger at the law

Your honour, please
We want the truth — nothing but the truth
Your honour, please

Objetion overruled — let's hang'em high
Overruled — horsewhip'em

The judge's hammer falls
Eruption in the court room
The cry goes up: «It's anarchy!»
Just stick your bloody rules

The judge's hammer falls
Let's loot them out of office
Some heads are gonna roll
The cry goes up: «It's anarchy!»

Your honour, please
We want the truth — nothing but the truth

Objetion overruled — let's hang'em high
Overruled — horsewhip'em
Objetion overruled — this is a travesty of justice
Overruled — appeal to a higher court

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