Accept - Starlight
Текст песни
Know the bright lights of Hollywood
Movietowns, a phony world
Seen a few nights of wonder,
Seen a few nights of hell
Walkin' down the foggy streets of London-town
Now I know it well
Ev'ry light in the world is nothing
To the light we know so well
Starlight, shining bright, starlight
Had a bit of life in high society
The slums have seen me, too
And the rich and poor would wonder,
At somethin' old and new
See it ev'ry night goin' slowly 'round
Can't you see it's true
Out there ev'ry man is equal
Way out there in the blue
Starlight, shining bright, starlight
Take it all the way all night long
Twinkle on, you stars
I feel my brain is blinded,
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