Deep Purple - Breakfast In Bed

Текст песни

Woke up this morning, rain coming down
Washing the sin from the street
Sometimes I feel like I'm losing ground
Just trying to make ends meet
Well I work every day to sweat out my dreams
Won't you show me that you understand
It's only my life, whatever that means
And you've got it all in your hands

I need someone to pull me through
Won't you take the pain from my head
Give me all your loving, the way you always do
Give me breakfast in bed

I feel like the good days are numbered
And my nights are getting too long
My hopes and my fears take their toll on the years
And my willpower's almost gone
Well it's a time full of trouble
A time of desperate need
Sometimes life don't make sense
Fighting the anger, jealousy and greed
One day I'll look back and wonder where it all went

(repeat chorus)

It don't take much to please me

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