Deep Purple - This time around

Текст песни


The world around us hangs in doubt
You face a crime that we'll hear about
To pay the cost would never be the same
Eternal lovers we're not to blame
There's no mistake there's no refrain
The same surroundings that stood
Are here again — this time...

As I look around you can't be found
To lose you I'd rather see
The endless time of space go passing by
This time around...
This time around...
So look around we all will be found
In love...

The world around us hangs in doubt
You face a crime that we'll hear about
To pay the cost would never be the same
Eternal lover you're not to blame
There's no mistake there's no refrain
The same surroundings that stood
Are here again — this time...

As I look around you can't be found,
To lose you, I'd rather see
The endless time of space go passing by
This time around...
This time around...
To lose you I'd rather see
The endless time of space go passing by

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