Boa - Distance

Текст песни

When it snows outside on this winter night
I'm looking for a trace of you
I'll never forget the time that we've met
The winter when we fell in love

I know it wasn't our time
We had to go our separate ways
You don't know that silently I
Was crying out for you to stay

The years come and go but I'm still alone
My tears like snowflakes falling without a sound
I wish I was with you now

When it snows outside on this winter night
I'm looking for a trace of you
I'll never forget the time that we've met
Catching us in the snow

When it snows outside on this winter night
I'm looking for a trace of you
I'll never forget the time that we've met
The winter when we fell in love

Your name frozen on my lips
Icesicles pierce in my heart
Now I wait and send out my wish
To find out wherever you are

The years come and go, but I'm still alone
My tears like snowflakes falling without a sound
I wish I was with you now

When it snows outside on this winter night
I'm looking for a trace of you
I'll never forget the time that we've met
Catching us in the snow

When it snows outside on this winter night
I'm looking for a trace of you
I'll never forget the time that we've met
The winter when we fell in love

There's nothing more than I would want
Than to feel the warm embrace of your love
But I have faith in the promise that you've made
And in the frosted window I,
I'll see your trace

When it snows outside on this winter night
I'm looking for a trace of you
I'll never forget the time that we've met
Catching us in the snow

When it snows outside on this winter night
I'm looking for a trace of you
I'll never forget the time that we've met
The winter when we fell in love

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