Paul McCartney - Feet in the clouds

Текст песни

Teacher said I had my head in the clouds
They directed
I suspected
Had it my way

On the street I had my feet on the ground
Stood corrected
Well protected
Had it my way

I've got my feet in the clouds
Got my head on the ground
I know that I'm not a square
As long as they're not around

But I find it very very very very very very hard
Yes I find it very very very very very very hard

Love is fab It's like a stab in the heart
Hidden treasure
Made to measure
For my pleasure
Had it my way

I've got my feet in the clouds
Got my head on the ground
I know that I'm not a square
As long as they're not around

But I find it very very very very very very hard
Oh I find it very very very very very very hard
Yes I find it very very very very very very hard

I've got my feet in the clouds
Got my head on the ground
I'm not a square
As long as they're not around
But I find it so hard I find it so hard

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