Paul McCartney - Hope for the future

Текст песни

Some hope for the future
Some wait for the call
To say that the days ahead
Will be the best of all

We will build bridges
Up to the sky
Heavenly light surrounding you and I

From out of the darkness
Our future will come
If we leave the past behind
We'll fly beyond the sun

We'll be together
Sharing the load
Watching in wonder as our lives unfold

Hope for the future
It's coming soon enough
How much can we achieve?

Hope for the future
It will belong to us
If we believe
If we believe

Hope shines brightest
In the dark
Where nothing's ever seen

Lighting undiscovered places
No one's ever been

Some hope for the future
Some wait for the call
To say that our destiny
Will be the best of all

And we will build bridges
Up to the sky
Heavenly light surrounding you and I

Hope shines brightest
In the dark
Where nothing's ever seen

Lighting undiscovered places
No one's ever been

Hope for the future
Hope for the future
Hope for the future

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