Paul McCartney - Spies Like Us

Текст песни

Ooh ooh what do you do
No one else can dance like you
So what's all the fuss
There ain't nobody that spies like us
Hey hey what do you say
Someone took your plans away
So what's all the fuss
There ain't nobody that spies like us

Hey don't feel afraid
Of an undercover aid
There's no need to fuss
There ain't nobody that spies like us

Spies like us

We don't know the meaning of fear
We play every minute by ear
One for all and all for one
Everybody's on the run
Especially at this time of year

Ooh ooh what do you do
No one else can dance like you
So what's all the fuss
There ain't nobody got spies like us

Hey hey what do you say
No one else can look that way
So what's all the fuss
There ain't nobody got spies like us

We get there by hook or by crook
We don't do a thing by the book
Never needed special clothes
How we did it no one knows
I guess we must have had what it took

Ooh ooh, ooh
Oh when things get tough

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