Queen - Millionaire Waltz

Текст песни

Bring out the charge of the love brigade
There is spring in the air once again
Drink to the sound of the song parade
There is music and love everywhere
Give a little love to me
Take a little love from me, I want to share it with you
I feel like a millionaire.

Once we were mad, we were happy
We spent all our days holding hands together
Do you remember, my love
How we danced and played
In the rain we laid
Could stay there, forever and ever

Now I'm sad
You are so far away
I sit countong the hours day by day
Come back to me, how I long for your love
Come back to me — be happy like we used to be
Come back to me, oh my love
How I long for your love — won't you come back to me, yeah,
My fine friend — take me with you and love me forever
My fine frienh — forever — ever

Bring out the charge of the love brigade
There is spring in the air once again

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