Queen - Teo Torriatte

Текст песни

When I'm gone
Don't sleep to wonder if I ever think of you
The same moon shines
The same wind blows
For both of us, and time is but a paper moon...
be not gone

Though I'm gone
It's just at though I hold the flower that touches you
A new life grows
The blossom knows
There's no one else could warm my heart as much as you… be not gone

Let us cling together as the years go by
Oh my love, my love
In the quiet of the night
Let our candle always burn
Let us never lose the lessons we have learned

Teo Torriatte kohomama iko
Aisuruhito yo
Shizukana yoi ni
Hikario tomoshi
Itoshiki oshieo idaki

Hear my song
Still think of me the way you've come to think of me
The nights grow long
But dreams live on
Just close your pretty eyes and you can be with me...
dream on

When I'm gone

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