ZZ Top - Cherry Red

Strange things going through my head
Crazy things that I think she said
Slides so slinky that it's gotta be real
she just wanna know how to feel
Cherry red, cherry red
She just wanna feel cherry red
Cherry red, cherry red
She just wanna feel cherry red
This town of killer bits is doing me in
Tried to leave once, wanna do it again
But this one little thing's such a thoroughbred
I'm addicted to the feel of her cherry red
Cherry red, cherry red
She just wanna feel cherry red
Cherry red, cherry red
She just wanna feel cherry red
Whip out a bottle of your favorite rave
I think you better tend to your cherry grave
Ain't nothing stupid what we're talking about
Take a little twist and then you pour it on out
Cherry red, cherry red
She just wanna feel cherry red
Cherry red, cherry red
She just wanna feel cherry red

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