Paul McCartney - Daytime Nightime Suffering

Текст песни

What does she get for all the love she gave you
There on the ladder of regrets?
Mighty river, give her all she gets.
What does she get for all the love she gave you
There on the ladder of regrets?
Daytime nightime suffering is all she gets.

Where all the prizes for the games she entered
With little chance of much success?
Daytime nightime suffering is all she gets.

Come on, river, all the flow
Let your love of you people show.
Come on, river, flow through me,
Let your love of you people be.
You are the river, I am the stream.
Flow mighty river through me.

What does it pay to play the leading lady
When the like the damsel in distress
Daytime nightime suffering is all she gets?

No less (no less), no more (no more)
No sea (no sea), no shore (no shore)
No sand (no sand), no pail (no pail)
No fairy tale anymore.

Come on, river, flow through me
Don't be stopped by insanity.

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