Blue Oyster Cult - Feel The Thunder

Текст песни

( — E. Bloom — )
Slicing through the night Three riders
Perched on American steel Riders with no name
Time cannot reveal riders with no names

On October 31'st many years ago
Three friends went out for a ride
For it was a famous party night
And to party was to get high
They loaded up on beer and cocaine
And they started their bikes with a roar
They couldn't have known that on this night
They were beginning their longest tour

Chorus:Feel the thunder of the midnight ride
They're torn asunder by those who died
Feel the thunder of the midnight ride
They're torn asunder by those who died

On to their favorite road they rode
Leather horsemen ridin' three wide
Their metal beasts howled in the night
And dark spectre was their guide
They came around the curve too fast
Only time for a scream
A fiery crash of chrome and steel
Was the beginning of the longest dream


As their fates decreed that night
Their souls must be tried
Now you can hear them every Hallows Eve

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